Messages From Desk

Chairman's Message

It is true that education is fundamental to human growth and remains essential for the sustainability of our planet. As someone with a lifelong commitment to education, I have had the opportunity to observe the transformative power of a young mind encountering a novel idea, understanding a complex concept, or overcoming a challenge. Witnessing these instances of realization is truly inspiring. These moments are the seeds from which inventors, scientists, artists, authors, leaders, and reformers emerge. Since its inception in 2005, Salwan Public School in Trans Delhi Signature City has been nurturing such outstanding individuals. Our alumni have scaled various heights of success across diverse arenas worldwide, and I am confident this trajectory will only expand.


The rationale behind our success is clear. At our school, we aim to create an ideal mixture of academics, sports, extracurricular activities, character development, life skills, creativity, and analytical thinking. We instill the highest ethical and social values in our students, teaching them about right and wrong, and guiding them to adhere to virtues of morality and integrity. We emphasize the importance of empathy, inclusivity, and generosity. Additionally, we prepare them to assume their responsibilities as citizens and builders of the nation. 

The school’s environment is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to students from all walks of life, irrespective of their state or socioeconomic status. Our institution values only merit and eagerness to learn. Students learn discipline, self-sufficiency and independence, equipping them to adapt to various situations in life and to assess the characteristics and capabilities of others—valuable lessons that benefit them throughout their lives.

Our teaching staff boasts impressive credentials, experience, and dedication, performing their roles as teachers, mentors, counselors, and guides with unmatched skill. For them, teaching transcends a mere job and is viewed as a calling that they continuously strive to perfect.


Alumni from Salwan Public School fondly remember their school days and the friendships that have strengthened over the years. Many credit their success in life to the education they received here, looking back at their alma mater with love and gratitude. 

Shri Sanjay Agarwal (IAS)

Director's Message

Salwan Public School, Trans Delhi Signature City has carved a niche for itself through all-round development of the students by holistic approach, keeping abreast with the latest changes in the field of academics, science, technology etc. Covid 19 pandemic since last one & half years has forced a paradigm shift in the teaching method, wherein both teachers and students had to shift from ‘Offline’ to ‘Virtual’ mode. It required many adjustments which step by step evolved into the ‘New Normal’. Difficult times were gone through specially by the students without the school atmosphere. However, we at SPS made immense efforts to ensure quality education is imparted ‘Online’ throughout the restriction period.

Cometh the year 2022, we at SPS TDSC are taking strides to add a ‘Shooting Range’ and ‘Innovation Lab’ to further enhance the skills and all-round development of our students.

At last, I wish to congratulate all the parents, students, dedicated staff and all associated with our school directly or indirectly for their endless support in shaping up this prestigious institution as also the future of our students.

Let us all together, keep up the Salwanian legacy of ‘All Round Excellence’!

Brigadier Rajiv Minocha (Retd)

Principal's Message

We at Salwan are committed to providing holistic education to the students under our care and in moulding them into lifelong learners. Our objective is to create inquisitive and enquiring minds that eagerly explore out-of-the-box ideas and can communicate them confidently and effectively.

The education imparted at SPS Ghaziabad will become the testimony to their all-round success and employability in ever evolving and competitive global scenario.

In its persistent endeavor to take new initiatives and experiments, the school stands as an institution of excellence where children learn and grow with tinkered minds to the problems known and the problems unknown which may arise in future.  We need to empower them with problem solving skills which will take them to the path of innovation in a way that they can give back to the community and our country completely Atmanirbhar.’

With the hope and confidence that all of you shall continue to shine and keep the Salwanian flag soaring high, I wish you all the best for your future endeavours!

Ms. Sunita Madan