School Policies and Code of Conduct

The Identity of a Salwanian

“Once a Salwanian, always a Salwanian!”

Salwanians are groomed to be progressive global citizens with a humane outlook and integrity of spirit. They uphold the rich legacy of the institution and reflect its ethos by identifying themselves with the Vision and Mission of the School. Keeping this in view, each child is nurtured to become a responsible Indian citizen and a self-disciplined learner.

Code of Conduct

  • Student Details –Parents should furnish and update the School for security reasons (as and when required) with their latest Professional and Personal Data (office address, residential address, and contact details).
  • Identity Card– Students must carry the Identity Card at all times. Parents should also bring the Parent Identity Card whenever they come to school.
  • Punctuality & Regularity–We appreciate Punctuality & regularity to school. Students must be punctual and come to school on time. 75% attendance is mandatory to appear in the Final Examination.
  • Textbooks/Notebooks-The students should carry textbooks/notebooks as per the prescribed timetable.
  • Leave– In case leave is required for any reason other than medical, students must apply prior for the same through a duly filled application form.
  • Cleanliness– Students must observe cleanliness in School in accordance with Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and respect School property. They must ensure that no scribbling or graffiti is done anywhere in the School.


  • Mobile Phone/ Gadgets – Carrying mobile phones or any other electronic gadget to School is prohibited. If a student is found in possession of any such gadget, it will be confiscated.
  • Campus Language/ Behaviour – Students should restrain from using unparliamentary language/violence/ unfair means in any form in the School Campus. The students must respect their elders and be courteous to all.
  • Social Media – The students must avoid using social media to post anything against the School or any staff member. This will lead to disciplinary action/ suspension from the school.
  • Tobacco – The school is a Tobacco Free Zone and the sale of Tobacco within 100 yards from the school premises is prohibited.

The student council is actively engaged in looking after the day-to-day tasks such as monitoring classroom cleanliness, late coming, proper uniform, bullying, truancy, or any kind of misbehavior/violence. The school endeavors to uphold the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all students under its care.