180 students of the school from Classes V and VI along with 10 teachers attended Samman Diwas at SPS Rajendra Nagar on Tuesday 13th December 2022. This event is organized every year by Salwan Education Trust to salute the indomitable spirit, and supreme sacrifices of the brave sons of our motherland. This momentous occasion was graced by Lieutenant General Channira Bansi Ponnappa, AVSM, VSM, Adjutant General of the Indian Army, Mr. Himanshu Gupta IAS, Director of Education, Directorate of Education, the Government of NCT and many more dignitaries and decorated officers from Indian Army.
The day also marked the Blood Donation Camp for Armed and Paramilitary Forces and their families. The camp was organized in association with the Armed Forces Transfusion Centre. The Staff, Parents and other members of the Salwan fraternity expressed their gratitude towards the Indian Armed Forces by donating blood for them.
Speaking on the occasion, Lt Gen C.B. Ponnappa, AVSM, VSM, Adjutant General of the Indian Army, the Chief Guest motivated the Salwanians to make significant contributions for the nation selflessly. In the interaction held with bravehearts, students expressed their desire to join armed forces.
Decorated Soldiers from the Indian Armed Forces, Veer Naris and Jawans of the 95th Battalion and 25th Battalion of the Border Security Forces were honoured on this solemn occasion.
A scintillating Cultural Programme – Amritasya Bharatam was presented by the students. Through a beautiful blend of music, songs, dance, theatre, multimedia display, dazzling lights and visual effects, the students showcased a beautiful melange of our rich culture. The spectacular show depicted the great strides made by our country and the progress achieved in diverse fields for building Atmanirbhar Bharat, as the nation celebrates Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav commemorating 75 glorious years of independence.
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